Single Christians need Christian dating advice from the scriptures to guide them safely in relationships with the opposite sex.
The book of Ruth provides us with some of the best christian dating tips available. Click here to read about Christian dating advice from chapters 1-2 of the book of Ruth.
In chapter 3, the story begins to heat up a bit. Naomi and Ruth both realize that it is through the kindness of God that Ruth ended up in Boaz’s field. Boaz we find out is Naomi’s kinsman. According to Hebrew law the next of kin was responsible for redeeming the dead man’s property and widow…
But, it’s not just that Boaz is a kinsman that Naomi considers him for Ruth. Boaz is a man of godly character. She can in all good conscience encourage this union. Notice, they did not go out looking for a “kinsman redeemer.” They saw the hand of God’s providence and they acted consistent with what God was doing. Single Christians dating need to be in tune with the Providence of God.
Next, Naomi instructs Ruth in the ways of courtship. She tells her to wash and perfume herself, and put on her best clothes. Then go down to the threshing floor, where Boaz is working. She instructs her to not interrupt his work, nor his eating and drinking. “When he lies down,” she says, “go and uncover his feet and lie down.” Ruth answers, “I will do whatever you say.”
In these passages Ruth’s character continues to be revealed. Ruth is a lady who does not despise, but welcomes the mentoring and wisdom of her mother-in-law…
When Boaz awakes in the middle of the night and sees this woman lying at his feet, he could have taken advantage of the situation. But Ruth has already proven herself to be a woman of noble character. And Boaz has already shown himself to be a godly man. As an agent of God, he takes seriously his responsibility to protect Ruth. When Boaz asks “who are you,”…
She essentially says, “I remember your blessing and the many kindnesses you have shown me. I have seen God’s provision in my life through you. Now I am asking you to shelter me under your wings. I am asking you to pledge your faithfulness to me in a covenant of marriage.”
This scene, on the threshing floor, is a powder keg of passion that is ready to explode. It is likely that both Ruth and Boaz were experiencing a heightened sense of passion. Ruth is looking and smelling her best. The feelings that Boaz has kept hidden in his heart for Ruth have suddenly been ignited by her words and her actions.
In this very unusual scene, we don’t know why Naomi instructed Ruth to go lie at Boaz’s feet…but what we do know is…though Ruth was looking her best, she did not compromise Boaz by snuggling up to him. She lay at a safe place, at his feet. Like Ruth, Christian singles dating need to maintain healthy boundaries.
Their integrity and faithfulness to one another and to God was further demonstrated in their incredible self-control. They were both focused on righteousness and faithfulness. They were not out to enjoy just a moment of lustful pleasure. They were focused on entering into a covenant of faithfulness and righteousness that lasts a lifetime.
Selecting the right mate will affect the quality of the rest of your life. It is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. At Christian Counseling Online we are passionate about helping you have the best relationships possible by providing you with Biblical Christian dating advice.