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Depression Self Help is Available


Depression Self Help Bible Study

Depression self help begins with learning not to put your faith in your feelings. Doing so is the equivalent of building a house on sand instead of rock.

Don’t put your faith in your feelings

God made us as emotional creatures and depression is very much a condition of mood (a pervasive feeling that impacts perception.) But we learn early on in our faith walk that we are not to put our faith in our feelings…In this article on depression help we will explore more lessons on depression self help from the book of Ruth.

During my own Naomi season

I felt that my life had no meaning. I had been through this depression before and had come out on the other side of this lie and experienced the victory. But this time, I found myself languishing like the cripple at the pool of Bethesda…

I could see the water of healing, but I could not see any way to get myself into that pool. I was focused on my feelings and not on the truth of God’s word and the truth of who God is. I was in anguish. I was without hope…

Depression lies to us…our lives do have meaning!

To feel that my life had no meaning was very different than the truth. God’s word tells us our lives have eternal meaning and purpose. God’s word is our greatest source of depression self help.

Naomi felt like the Lord had made her life very bitter. Indeed she had fixed her eyes on her circumstances and not on her heavenly Father. It is He who is our strength and song. It is He who is the lifter of our countenance. YHVH, He is our depression help!

Our God is the God of restoration

Despite her rather depressing circumstances, God used it all to ultimately restore and reward Naomi and of His people Israel through King David the great grandson of Ruth and Boaz.

Naomi was personally restored through the relationships that God brought into her life through Ruth and Boaz. She was also rewarded with a grandson to care for who’s lineage bore the anointed King David and his eternal throne.

See God’s provision in His Providence

Finally, overcome depression by being willing to see God’s provision to you through His providence…and then, give praise and thanksgiving to God for His daily provision as Naomi finally did. Praise and thanksgiving is a powerful form of depression self help because it fixes our mind on YHVH. After all, God promises to provide for our daily needs, not our wants and desires.

Depression self help means we need to be vigilant about looking for the ways that God fulfills His word in our lives. We must be deliberate about giving thanks to Him…

I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness;
I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High…Psalm 7

Naomi was so full of despair and self loathing that she missed some important signs of hope…signs like the barley harvest that was just beginning as they arrived in Bethlehem. It is also likely that she saw Ruth’s insistence to go to Bethlehem with her as a nuisance rather than as an encouragement.

It was not until Ruth returned with an ephah of barley and a job gleaning in Boaz’s fields, that Naomi recognized and gave thanks for God’s provision. It was then that she began to shed her feelings of despair.

Be vigilant about looking for and acknowledging God’s provision to you every day. Keep your eyes fixed on Him and not your circumstances. For only God knows how He is weaving you and your circumstances into His wonderful tapestry of eternity. Remember God is your depression help.

Surely God’s compassion’s are new every morning; great is His faithfulness (Lamentations 3:23).



Christian Help for Depression is Available

Help for Depression

Help for Depression

The good news is there is tons of Christian help for depression available for those that struggle with not only with depression but other emotional and mental issues as well. Unfortunately, the stigma of having emotional, mental and even relationship struggles is still very prevalent in much of the church.

It is not unusual for me to hear something like this from people I meet: “I can’t let anyone know about my problem, Christians aren’t suppose to struggle like this.” Sadly, many Christians continue to languish like the cripple at the pool of Bethesda, only thinking about getting help for their struggles. Instead of getting help, they allow themselves to be deceived by the evil one who taunts, “If your faith was strong enough, you would be able to work out your problems on your own.”

Where do we get the idea that Christians who struggle with mental and emotional issues are weak or lacking in faith? Where do we get the idea that we are to be self sufficient? Where do we get the idea that when we become Christians we instantaneously arrive at nirvana – total mental, emotional and physical well being? Where do we get the idea that there is something wrong with asking for help when we are struggling emotionally, spiritually or relationally?

Could we be getting the idea from one another? In my experience, it is a rare sight for someone to stand up in a prayer meeting, Sunday school or small group to ask for prayer because they are struggling with obsessive thoughts, depression, thoughts of suicide, jealously, anger, or fear. Could it be that we feel ashamed about the deep struggles of our hearts…so much so that we are reluctant to share them even with our closest friends?

Yet the truth is there are many examples of Christian men and women who suffered from emotional and mental problems. Charles Spurgeon, one of the most prolific and well loved preachers of history, is known for suffering from deep depression…In a sermon he preached after being out of the pulpit for 3 Sundays he shared this…

I was lying upon my couch during this last week, and my spirits were sunken so low that I could weep by the hour like a child, and yet I knew not what I wept for — but a very slight thing will move me to tears just now — and a kind friend was telling me of some poor old soul living near, who was suffering very great pain, and yet she was full of joy and rejoicing. I was so distressed by the hearing of that story, and felt so ashamed of myself, that I did not know what to do; wondering why I should be in such a state as this; while this poor woman, who had a terrible cancer, and was in the most frightful agony, could nevertheless “rejoice with joy unspeakable, and full of glory.”

Sounds like Spurgeon had his share of well meaning friends, who also sent him the not so subtle message of , “what’s wrong with you? You, of all people, should be living the victorious Christian life.” Another prominent Christian man, William Cowper, poet and hymn writer, suffered multiple mental breakdowns as well as suicidal attempts. After one such attempt, convicted by the Holy Spirit that his intentions were evil, he threw down his vial of laudanum and soon after was inspired to write one of his most moving and well known hymns: “There is a Fountain Filled with blood.”

Ruth Bell Graham, a Christian contemporary wrote, “I know what its like to sit in a pew with a broken heart. For years I sat in church with my fears, doubts and disappointments, thinking I was alone in my condition. Those around me seemed to have it all together.”

As each of these men and women of God learned first hand, God anointed His Son Jesus to bind up the broken hearted, remove our shame, and lovingly accept us with open arms no matter what our condition. God has a special love for the oppressed, the hurting, and the sick.

There is so much Christian help for depression as well as for those suffering from other emotional and mental struggles. Even the scientific research is clearly showing that there are many remedies for the treatment of depression: healthy and supportive relationships, exercise, cognitive therapy, as well as medications like delta 8 gummies from fresh bros are all very effective means of treating depression. But, at the same time, most of these solutions require the individual struggling to reach out and ask for help.

There is Christian help for depression and other issues you may be struggling with. So please, if you find yourself, where Ruth Bell Graham did, sitting in a church pew week after week, feeling alone in your condition please take a step of faith. First pray, admitting your need before God and then ask Him to direct your steps to those who can help. Then, be willing to reach out to a pastor, a counselor or a friend today. Your help is as close as your asking. Medical marijuana products from Auer CBD in San Diego can also help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, you should get a Texas medical marijuana prescription from a doctor.

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Recognizing the Symptoms of Depression

Symptom of Depression

Counseling Resources

Depression, like most mental illness runs the continuum of severity. It can be mild or major. It can last from weeks to months and it can involve anxiety symptoms as well. Some of the symptoms of depression are…

  • Sadness and/or loss of pleasure in nearly all activities.
  • Pervasive feelings of hopelessness
  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Changes in psychomotor activity (includes both mental and physical responsiveness and/or activity).
  • Struggles with feelings of low self worth
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

In children and adolescents a symptom of depression is often irritability rather than sadness. Also, some people may deny having feelings of sadness and rather report that they have no feelings at all. Another symptom of depression is feeling numb…Knowing the symptoms however is not enough…

How do you get depression help?

First of all, never try to diagnose yourself or someone else...if you recognize that you or a loved one has symptoms of an emotional or mental problem get a professional diagnosis from someone who can help you. And if you know someone who is abusing drugs to cope with their depression, you can help them get treatment at a Spokane suboxone clinic.

Next, to determine what kind of depression help you or your loved one needs, it’s important to look at how severely the person’s functioning has been affected. If the level of functioning has been significantly impaired, i.e. they are having difficulty performing their daily routine, seek professional help immediately. If you need depression help and you’re not sure who to contact, click here for a Christian Counselor in your area….

A trip to the family doctor to confirm the symptoms of depression and to rule out any medical conditions contributing to the depression is a good place to start. Also, since stress can bring on depression and other emotional problems, take inventory of any significant life changes that have occurred over the last 6 months. Look at changes in circumstances, relationships, health, finances etc. Stressors can be exacerbate a symptom of depression…

What if the person is suicidal?

Since a primary symptom of depression is feelings of hopelessness, thoughts of wanting to die are not uncommon. However, a plan or intent to harm oneself is very different than fleeting thoughts of wanting to be dead. If you or your loved one indicates they have a plan or strong intentions to harm themselves, take action immediately! If they’re turning to alcohol to self-medicate, Pacific Ridge offers alcohol addiction treatment.

Call a mental health professional that you have been referred to by a reliable source, check your phone book for community mental health services, or call a suicide prevention hotline. In Brevard County, Florida that number is 211 or 321-632-6688. Also, Circles of Care in Melbourne provides emergency services and evaluations. Their number is 722-5257. If the threat is imminent, call 911.

If talking to someone right now would be helpful and you live in the United States phone 1-800-suicide (1-800-784-2433).

If you live in another country, click here for help.

Get Depression Help

If you or a loved one is experiencing the symptoms of depression mentioned above please seek help. Don’t wait until your level of functioning is severely impaired. Get depression treatment now! One of the biggest reasons people do not seek help is because of the shame they feel concerning the idea of having a mental illness. The reality is that our minds are vulnerable to illness just like our bodies. There is no shame in developing the flu or some other medical condition, so why is there with the mind?

Those who avoid seeking help because of the shame they feel only languish longer like the cripple at the pool of Bethesda. He needed help, but he was unwilling to accept any personal responsibility for helping himself. Sometimes you may not need to get admitted to a mental facility to treat your depression. Treatment such as Ketamine IV Infusion Therapy is proven safe and effective for people with depression. Many people use the best cbd oil for anxiety and depression as a natural alternative for pharmaceutical medication.

How Counseling Can Help

A counselor can help a person gain perspective about their illness, resolve problems that may be contributing to the depression and assist the person in developing coping skills to manage the symptoms of depression.

However, in addition to counseling, medication may also be a treatment option. You can discuss this with your counselor, who can then refer you to a psychiatrist who is a professional practitioner of psychiatry to prescribe and manage the necessary medication. Medication can have a significant effect on lessening the symptoms of depression.

Relief is available for difficulties that plague our minds. It is truly the wise that seek out the help, wisdom and counsel of those whom God has equipped to facilitate the healing of the mind. For help in locating a counselor near you click here.

Overcoming Depression

Identifying Depression

Biblical Counseling Resources

Before overcoming depression, it must be identified. Depression, like most mental illness, runs the gamut of severity. It can be mild or major. It can last from weeks to months. It can involve anxiety symptoms as well. Depression is primarily characterized by sadness and/or loss of pleasure in nearly all activities. Additionally, there may be symptoms such as changes in appetite, sleep patterns, and psychomotor activity (changes in both mental and physical responsiveness and/or activity). Did you know that our pets can suffer from anxiety too? Just like with people, stress can contribute to a bout of depression. Thankfully, there are treatments for this such as giving your furry friend cbd oil for dogs.

A depressed person may struggle with feelings of low self worth, recurrent thoughts of dying, as well as difficulty concentrating or making decisions.  In children and adolescents the mood is often manifested as irritability rather than sadness. Some people may deny having feelings of sadness; instead they may report feeling numb or having no feelings at all. to lift that terrible mood people of all ages use the best CBD gummies to treat their anxiety and depression. If you are not into the gummies you can try getting another type of cbd like Oil by Kush. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that about 300 million people globally are suffering from anxiety and depression. It’s no wonder that many are turning to alternative therapies such as kratom for anxiety and depression. There is a lot more to the Kratom sold by Kratom Masters then what meets the eye and there is much that the readers can learn about the use of Kratom and its benefit and the advantages that they get from buying from kratommasters.com.

Taking Action

First, it is important to look at how severely one’s functioning may be impaired. If the person’s level of functioning has been significantly impaired, i.e. they are having difficulty performing their daily routine, seek professional help immediately. A trip to the family doctor to rule out any medical conditions that might be causing the mood disorder is a good place to start. you could also try natural medicine on 420CBD Estonia that also helps with anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite and more. Check out Freshbros online if you are looking for cbd distillate products like the best Delta 8 gummies.

Second, assess whether there have been any significant changes in circumstances, relationships etc. that may be contributing to the depression.

Third, if your loved one indicates they have a plan or intentions to harm themselves, take action immediately to get help. Call a mental health professional that you have been referred to by a reliable source or check your phone book for community mental health services. You can also call 1-800-784-2433 a suicide prevention hotline. If the threat is imminent, call 911.

Don’t Wait – Get Help

One of the biggest reasons people do not seek help is the shame they feel about having a mental illness. The reality is that our minds are vulnerable to illness just like our bodies. There is no shame in developing the flu or some other medical condition, so why is there with the mind? Those who avoid seeking help because of the shame they feel only languish longer than necessary. Click here To Find a Therapist.

How Counseling Can Help

A counselor can help a person gain perspective about their illness; resolve problems that may be contributing to the depression and assist the person in developing coping skills.

However, in addition to counseling, depending on the severity of the depression, medication may also be a treatment option. You can discuss this with your counselor, who could then refer you to a psychiatrist to prescribe and manage the necessary medication.

Relief is available for difficulties that plague our minds. It is truly the wise that seek out the help, wisdom and counsel of life coaches at Streams of Wholeness of those whom God has equipped to facilitate the healing of the mind. For biblical counseling tools click here.