Category Archives: Counseling Tools

Progress Note

Writing a client progress note is one of the tools good counselor’s use to help them, help their clients. As a counselor, you know the value of processing your thoughts about client sessions through writing your clinical notes. Whether you use SOAP notes, DAP or some other format writing a good clinical note begins with a great form…

The Progress Note Tool Kit contains …

  • Templates suitable for use with adults or children
  • Conventional templates for handwriting notes
  • Automated templates for typing notes
  • 3 bonus templates
  • Templates in both PDF and Microsoft Word
  • A total of 11 17 templates for $19.97

Professional Progress Notes Tool Kit Available Immediately

All the forms in the Tool Kit are created in Microsoft Word and are Windows and Macintosh compatible. And, you can easily personalize them. Just double click on the header to add your own name, credentials, address, and contact information.

These template forms will help you collect subjective and objective data, assess your client’s progress, write a plan of action and more.

Don’t have Microsoft Word – Not technically Savvy?

No problem, if you simply need basic forms without your letterhead or can use your personal STAMP to add your name and credentials then this kit will also work perfectly for you. Just print the forms and use.

These 11 17 forms can be down loaded immediately for $19.97

Progress Note – This is the original template I developed for myself, after years of modifying clinical note forms. The original form includes check boxes and spaces for documenting…

  • Mental health status
  • Tracking progress
  • Standard CPT billing codes for services rendered
  • Appointment time
  • Payments or insurance billing

Additionally, there are spaces and prompts for recording….

  • Risk assessment
  • Therapeutic interventions
  • Client response
  • Homework
  • And more

When you have your own templates, you never have to worry about running out of forms, or having to make copies of copies – you know what those look like- unprofessional.

Progress Note A – An automated version of the original note above which allows you to type your clinical notes on your computer and print out. Each note will look professional and be easy to read. If you’re like me, this means you never have to worry about trying to decipher your own handwriting again!

Progress Note Conjoint – This template includes all the information on the original note above, but it supplies 2 columns of check boxes to document the mental health status of both clients you are working with.

Progress Note Conjoint A – this is the automated version of the Conjoint template form allowing you to create notes on your computer.

SOAP Notes – This SOAP note is specifically designed using SOAP format. This note includes all the same check boxes for CPT codes, assessing progress, mental health status, etc. as the original Note, but with specific reminders to write in your Subjective data, Objective data, Assessment and Plan.

SOAP Notes A – This is the automated version of the SOAP style form described above.

Conjoint SOAP Notes – Templates for both the automated and conventional SOAP notes are provided in conjoint format as described above.

Click to view a copy of the SOAP Note
Click to view an sample of the Progress Note

Download the Progress Note Tool Kit for $19.97 by clicking below:

Buy Now Blue(Important: Your product will be delivered to you through a secure download page. You will also receive an email directing you to the download page.)

Bonus Tools
Add value to Your Counseling Services with this Bonus Tool

BONUS #1 – Client Progress Note – This form is for your client. You know how valuable it is to take time to process each session in writing. Now there is a form to help your client assess their own emotional, cognitive and behavioral status after each session. This can be used as a helpful journaling tool as well.

The value of this bonus form alone is worth the cost of the entire Tool Kit.

I’ll never forget the day I introduced this tool to one client imparticular. I could see the impact it was making on her immediately. (By the way, I keep those forms on a clip board in my office. Once my clients get use to using them, they will remind me when I run out. That’s a good sign that they are adding value!) This form helps clients to take personal responsibility for their progress. And isn’t that what you want for your clients?

Help Clients Develop Critical Thinking Skills

Getting back to the story… as we began to work through each heading on the client note, her eyes brightened. When she began filling in the blanks, she obviously began to grasp what the counseling process was all about. She also began to grasp what was expected from her. I could see the wheels begin to turn: a smile came over her face as she said, “Now I get it.”

To download your Progress NoteTool Kit, along with the
bonus form click below:

(Important: Your product will be delivered to you through a secure download page. You will also receive an email directing you to the download page.)

Buy Now BlueOh, I almost forgot, I also included a 2nd BONUS – a Child’s Progress Note form with the bonus tools. This form is very similar to the note for client’s described above, but in a child friendly font and format.

Oh, and one last thing, did I mention that I am including a 3rd BONUS – an automated version of the Client Progress note (that makes 11 17 forms for $19.97) in case your clients prefer to process their session using a keyboard instead of pen and paper. Just email them the form in an attachment. That way they can easily email you the form or print out a copy of their own note for you as well. How easy is that!

This client form has many helpful features to add value to your work with clients…

  • Questions to help clients develop critical thinking skills
  • The format helps you to apply positive structure to your sessions
  • Helps clients get the most out of their therapy with you
  • Prompts for your client to write important information discussed in session
  • Including specific insights and applications

But that’s not all….

You know how important it is for clients to get in touch with their feelings. This tool has a section that will help your client assess their own emotional and cognitive state during the session.

Finally, and maybe most importantly, using this tool will help your clients to be more accountable. This form supplies a place to record…

  • Homework assignments
  • Insights gained from homework assignments
  • Even a prompt to contemplate reasons for not doing assignments

You know personal accountability is key to achieving goals!

Make life a little easier for you and your clients and download your
Progress Note Tool Kit with bonus forms right now
(11 17 templates in all for $19.97) by clicking below:

Buy Now Blue(Important: Your product will be delivered to you through a secure download page. You will also receive an email directing you to the download page.)

As always, the Tool Kit comes with a 30 day, no questions asked,
money back guarantee.

Intake Forms – Private Practice Forms Starter kit

Professional counseling forms for Immediate Download – Customize Your Own Mental Health Forms
Updated with 2013 CPT Codes and 2015 DSM V Criteria

This counseling forms tool kit is everything you need to start your private practice or update the forms for your counseling organization (discount pricing available for group practices – see bottom of page). As a professional therapist you know that your intake forms are the beginning of providing excellent service to your clients. Having well organized and comprehensive mental health forms is a must to  obtaining the information necessary to begin a professional mental health assessment. Check out this Sentence Rewriter – Best Rewording Tool | SEOToolsCentre here on this site to have a better website for your clients.

If you have been spending time and energy searching for the right forms or even creating your own forms…look no further, this comprehensive set of 16 professional mental health intake forms can be downloaded immediately.

And what’s better then knowing that your Private Practice Forms Starter Kit comes with a 100%, 30 day, money back guarantee. You can rest assured that your investment in your business and clients is protected with this guarantee.

These Forms can Save You Precious Time and Money

How? Because they are Microsoft word documents they can be downloaded immediately and saved to your own computer. You will then be able to streamline your intake process by emailing (if you choose) the intake paperwork directly to your referral. They will then be able to print out the forms and complete them in the comfort and privacy of their own home.

NOT TECHNICAL – no worries – all the forms are also included in PDF format as well. That means all you need to do is print and use. If you want to add your credentials in the header just use your professional stamp.

Here’s a little bit of advice: When you email the forms state, “Please complete each form thoroughly (Check off each box and answer each question) If something does not apply please put n/a. Please return the completed forms to me at your first appointment.” These simple words can save you and your client time and frustration

The forms in your Private Practice Forms Starter Kit are created in Microsoft Word 2003 and are Windows and Macintosh compatible. Once you down load your forms you will customize them by adding your own name, address and contact information in the header. Now you have your own professional set of mental health forms.

Your Private Practice Forms Starter Kit can be
downloaded immediately for $69.97 and includes
the following 16 comprehensive forms:

  • 1.) Phone Intake – The assessment begins with the first phone call.
  • 2. & 3.) 2 different Personal Information and Insurance Forms. Form I is for those mental health therapists who provide the added service of filing insurance paperwork for their clients. Form II assigns the insurance benefits to the clients (this is useful when you collect fees up front and have insurance reimbursements sent to the client.)
  • 4.)  Information and Consent Form – this form helps to ensure that the client is fully informed and involved in making decisions about their therapy. It can be easily modified to suit each therapist’s own style of counseling practice and interventions.
  • 5.) Biopsychosocial form – this comprehensive form helps clients begin formulating goals for counseling before they even have their first session with you.
  • 6.) Intake Assessment – this therapy intake form maps nicely with the biopsychosocial to easily summarize areas of clinical concern and complete your mental health assessment.
  • 7.) Progress Note – my personal favorite. This form includes all the essentials to be documented in a professional progress note.
  • SOAP Note – Do you prefer the SOAP format for writing your notes? We have you covered!
  • 8.) Client’s Own Progress Note – To aid clients in making the most of their therapy experience, this form is useful for tracking homework assignments, remembering helpful tools and recording things to discuss in their next session with you.
  • Release of Information – A necessary and straight forward tool to have on hand.
  • Treatment Plan Form – For developing long and short term goals to formalize your treatment interventions with your client.
  • Treatment Plan Review – Use as a plan review and a discharge summary.
  • Financial Evaluation Form and sliding scale chart — Helps in assessing clients financial need for a reduction in fees.
  • Discharge Letter and Evaluation form — Two documents in one. A discharge letter that includes an evaluation form to give your clients an opportunity to give you valuable feedback on your services.
  • Client Services Log — Use to track appointments and client payments.
  • Statement of Services — A billing statement for billing your client or non-insurance third party payors. Tip: take form to office supply store and to make into a carbonless 3 copy form.
  • To view examples of some of the forms in the Private Practice Forms Starter Kit click the links above.

As soon as you place your order, you can download your new counseling forms for immediate use…

Buy Now Blue(Important: Your product will be delivered to you through a secure download page. You will also receive an email directing you to the download page.)

Bonus Tool for Therapists and Counselors

For the one low price of $69.97, with the 30 day money back, no questions asked guarantee, you will receive in your package a Communications Skills Summary. This is a powerful, 3 step process that will help your clients to learn the all important skill of active listening.

More Bonus Tools!!

When working with couples where do you begin? This Rate Your Marriage assessment addresses 10 aspects of a committed marriage relationship and will give your couples a structured format to begin assessing, communicating about, and addressing the health of their relationship.

Even More Bonus Tools!!

As a third Free Bonus Tool, I will also include a Food Mood and Activity Log. This form helps you and your client to track progress when there are nutritional and exercise interventions being utilized.

Private Practice Forms Starter Kit + Bonus Tools

These 3 bonus tools (+ the 17 Professional Counseling Forms) are available when you order your Private Practice Forms Starter Kit for $69.97, with a 30 day, no questions asked, guarantee.

To order now click below…

Buy Now Blue

(Important: Your product will be delivered to you through a secure download page. You will also receive an email directing you to the download page.)

Christian Counseling Forms

Professional Counseling Forms
(17 different forms in two different formats) with

Updated 2013 CPT codes and Updated DSM Criteria for 2015

You know as a counselor, that counseling forms are one of the tools of our trade. Having the right forms available can help you do your job better. Are you tired of struggling with the right forms and perhaps spending hours and hours trying to revise those forms?

For conventional counseling forms click here
(These forms are for you if you work in a secular setting)

Well there’s good news for you! The forms available to you here have been revised and refined over the last several years. They have been honed into tools that will enhance your ability to help your clients.

This comprehensive set of professional counseling forms was designed by someone like yourself. Someone who knows what counselors need in a counseling form.

Because the work has been done for you, you save time and money. No more designing and redesigning forms. And if you find, after reviewing your Professional Counseling Forms Tool Kit, that it is not what you need, I offer a 100%, 30 day, money back guarantee.

These Tools Will Save You Money and Time

How? Most people now communicate through Email and have the resources at home to print out these forms.

Prior to your client’s initial appointment, send the intake forms to them as an Email attachment. That way they can complete at their leisure, in the privacy and comfort of their own home. This saves you time, money and paper shuffling and is much more convenient for clients whose time is valuable too.

All the tools in the Professional Counseling Forms Tool Kit are created in Microsoft Word 2003 and are Windows and Macintosh compatible. And, you can easily personalize them. Simply add your own name, address and contact information in the header and voila you have a complete set of professional counseling forms for your office.

NOT TECHNICAL – no worries – all the forms are also included in PDF format as well. That means all you need to do is print and use. If you want to add your credentials in the header just use your professional stamp.

These forms will help you to collect the information you need (without redundancy) to begin the helping process right away. The Professional Counseling Forms Tool Kit is available to you for $69.97 and includes the following 17 comprehensive forms:

  • 1.) Phone Intake – this is where it starts.
  • 2. & 3.) 2 different Personal Information and Insurance form . Form I assigns insurance benefits to you. Form II assigns insurance benefits to your clients (I collect fees up front and have insurance reimbursements sent to clients so I use form II.)
  • 4.) Information and Consent Form – this form is designed specifically for Biblical counselors.
  • 5.) Biopsychosocial Form – this is a comprehensive form which helps clients to begin formulating their goals for therapy before they even have their first appointment with you.
  • 6.) Intake Assessment – this counseling intake form nicely dovetails with the biopsychosocial helping you to easily summarize your client’s problem areas and complete your clinical assessment.
  • 7.) Progress Note my favorite form. Having struggled for years in writing good progress notes, I have designed this form to be a helpful tool for tracking client’s progress and effectively processing each session.
  • 8.) SOAP Note – Do you prefer to use the SOAP format for your progress notes? We have you covered.
  • 9.) Progress Note Client Version – I have designed a progress note for my clients to use. This helps them to get the most out of each counseling session and track their own progress.
  • 10.) Release of Information – The all important release of information is simple and easy to use.
  • 11.) Treatment Plan Form – Develop long and short term goals to enhance treatment.
  • 12.) Treatment Plan Review – This form can be used for both treatment plan reviews and as a discharge summary.
  • 13.) Financial Evaluation Form and sliding scale chart — if you offer a sliding scale this is a must.
  • 14.) Discharge and Evaluation form — This is two documents in one. A simple discharge letter along with an evaluation form for your client to give you valuable feed back about the services you provided them.
  • 15.) Client Services Log — for keeping track of appointment and payments.
  • 16.) Statement of services — A detailed billing Statement you can use to bill your client or non-insurance third party payors. Can be made into a carbonless 3 copies form at your office supply store.
  • 17.) Invoice – A basic billing statement
  • For examples of some of the forms in the tool kit please click the associated links above.

As soon as you place your order, you can immediately download your new forms and begin using them…

Buy Now Blue(Important: Your product will be delivered to you through a secure download page. You will also receive an email directing you to the download page.)

5 Bonus Tools for Christian Counselors

For the one low price of $69.97, with the 30 day money back, no questions ask guarantee, you will receive in your package 5 bonus tools…

How often do you find clients struggling with knowing what God’s will is for them? Clients frequently need help Discerning God’s Will. This extra bonus form will take your clients through the same faith building steps that George Mueller used to determine when he was Hearing from God.

More Bonus Tools!!!

You know that communication skills effect just about every therapeutic issue. Because communication issues are critical to your client’s success you will also receive my Effective Communication Skills Summary. This is a great tool to use with clients to teach them the step by step process of effective communication.

Even More Bonus Tools!!

As a third Free Bonus Tool, I will also include a Step by Step Spiritual Nourishment process. If communication skills are important to therapeutic success, you know that a client’s ability to grasp God’s word and apply it in practical ways is even more critical. This tool shows clients exactly how to do that.

It is based on Deuteronomy 8:3 that tells us we can’t rely on food alone to satisfy us. We need the very word of God to nourish our souls.

In the Tool Kit you will receive a 4th and 5th BONUS – a Progress Note form designed specifically for use in Biblical counseling settings.  This form is designed to be used online or as a PDF document to just print and use.

Professional Counseling Forms Tool Kit + Bonus Tools

The 5 bonus tools (+ the 17 Professional Counseling Forms = 39 FORMS IN ALL) I am offering as part of your $69.97, 30 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee, are worth the $69.97 alone. These are tools that will help you help your clients.

If at any time in the next 30 days after purchase you feel that this package of counseling forms is not worth the $69.97 you paid, contact me for a full, no questions asked, refund.

To order now click below…
Buy Now Blue(Important: Your product will be delivered to you through a secure download page. You will also receive an email directing you to the download page.)